This document describes how to get to use Linux as a (fake) ClearCase client. The Linux machine will mount the ClearCase view using NFS, and any ClearCase related commands (ci, co etc) will be forwarded to the server machine, where they will be executed just as you were on the server.
Download cclinux-1.0 here ! (this contains all the other scripts and utilities).
luckyone $ cleartool mktag -view -tag stelian_linux_main -replace -ncaexported /users/stelian/Views/stelian_linux_main.vws luckyone $ su luckyone # echo "/view/stelian_linux_main/project/Linux -anon 65534" >> /etc/exports.mvfs luckyone # /usr/atria/etc/export_mvfs -a
predator # echo "none /project envlinkfs noauto" >> /etc/fstab predator # echo "insmod /etc/envlinkfs.o options=\"\\\$VOBLINKNAME \\\$VOBLINKDEST\"" >> /etc/rc.d/rc.local predator # echo "mount /project" >> /etc/rc.d/rc.local predator # /etc/rc.d/rc.local
predator # mkdir -p /view/stelian_linux_main/project/Linux predator # echo "luckyone:/view/stelian_linux_main/project/Linux /view/stelian_linux_main/project/Linux nfs nosuid,nodev,user,noauto,exec" >> /etc/fstab
predator $ rsh luckyone lsIf this doesn't work, do
predator $ echo "predator stelian" >> ~/.rhosts predator $ echo "luckyone stelian" >> ~/.rhosts
predator $ echo "alias clearcase=\"cmtoolsets luckyone:/projet/Linux:stelian_linux_main\" >> ~/.bashrc predator $ echo "alias ct=\"cleartool\" >> ~/.bashrc predator $ echo "alias co=\"cleartool co\" >> ~/.bashrc predator $ echo "alias ci=\"cleartool ci\" >> ~/.bashrc predator $ echo "alias uco=\"cleartool uncheckout\" >> ~/.bashrcAnd you can use the rcc_make script in order to do a "remote" make, rcc_gdb script in order to do a "remote" gdb session. Of course, you can create new scripts once you got the idea.
Comments and reports of (un)success are welcome!
Last modified: Mon Apr 26 11:16:10 CEST 2004 |
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